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International Students in Spotlight at Luncheon

Cuisine Internationale
Cuisine Internationale
  • Hiyayakko, tofu and soy
  • Cucumber salad from China
  • Potato salad from Egypt
  • Chicken from Poland
  • Thai curry vegetables
  • Joffof Rice from Ghana
  • Polish Apple pie
  • Sweet red bean soup
  • A potpourri of cuisine, fashion, culture, and conversation from around the world highlight the Winter Emeritus Luncheon, 11:30 to 1:30 on Friday, March 5 in the Rogue River Room of Stevenson Union. Students in the International Cultural Scholarship Program (ICSP) at SOU will share insights into their cultures. In keeping with the theme of the event, you are invited to wear your favorite international attire.

    A menu prepared by Mike Brown and the SOU Food Services staff in partnership with the ICSP students will reflect the cuisine of the students’ countries. The students will help serve the buffet style luncheon, then join emeriti at tables for further interaction. A fashion show and panel discussion featuring the students will round out the activities. Make your reservations before Monday, March 1 to attend this $15 a plate gourmet gala.

    Please Join Us For Winter Term’s . . .


    Friday, March 5, 2004

    To make Reservations:

    E-Mail (preferred):

    Or telephone: (541) 552-6699

    Or use the Information Update Form

    Make checks out to SOU

    Reservation Deadline: March 1, 2004

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