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Georgia McFarland's Death

Georgia McFarland, 71, died February 3, 2004, at home in the arms of her husband, Jim, to whom she was married for nearly 50 years. She and Jim came to SOU in 1969. Jim retired as professor emeritus of mathematics in 1994, after having served for many years as director of the graduate school and associate provost. Georgia chose to stay at home and raise their two children, Jeff and Michelle, during their early years. While she and Jim were in Corvallis she served as administrative assistant to the Dean of Home Economics at OSU; at SOU she worked for the Dean of Students. She also worked as a legal secretary and in a medical office.

She was a past president of Chapter AC of P. E. O. and served as a volunteer at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival for many years. She was active in the Trinity Episcopal Church for 34 years.

In 1989 she realized a lifetime goal by completing a BA in Fine and Performing Arts at SOU. Her professors will remember her as bright, diligent, and enthusiastic about her studies. Her many friends will remember her for her good humor, love of music, warm hospitality, and devotion to her family.

She and Jim established the Georgia and Jim McFarland Scholarship at the University, and friends and colleagues may make memorial contributions to it.

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