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Music's Glenn Matthews Dies

Music’s Glenn Matthews Dies

(This notice derives from a longer one appearing in the Ashland "Daily Tidings")

Southern Oregon University Emeritus faculty lost a long time colleague and friend when Glen Matthews died April 29, 2004, at the age of 90. In addition to a 32 year teaching career Glenn founded the Southern Oregon Little Symphony (forerunner of the Rogue Valley Symphony), the Siskiyou Band Camp, and the Arts Council of Southern Oregon. He directed many ensembles including the SOU Band, Ashland City Band, and Southern Oregon Little Symphony as well as many popular musical productions. He was an avid performer, specializing on oboe, English horn, saxophone and clarinet.

Glenn completed his undergraduate degree in music at UC Berkeley and received Master’s and Doctoral degrees at the University of Oregon. During his early years at Southern Oregon State Normal School, he was one of three faculty members in Music and shared Churchill Hall with the Art, Biology, and Psychology Departments.

Glenn was involved with the Oregon Shakespeare Festival during its early years, appearing once as an actor and often as musical assistant to Angus Bowmer. Throughout his life he was an active performer, arranger, and composer. Playing at the prestigious Carmel Bach Festival was one of the highlights of his career, but he also received great pleasure performing with his many friends and colleagues in the Ashland City Band, the Rogue Valley Symphony, the Shrine Band; and the SOU Wind Ensemble. Even when in failing health Glenn stayed active playing music. His last group, the Emeritus Faculty Jazz Quartet was the Monday evening highlight of his week.

He is survived by his wife Kathleen, five children, and six grandchildren. Remembrances may be offered to the Southern Oregon University Music Department Scholarship. Plans are underway to install a memorial bench outside the SOU music building.

Glenn will be remembered for meeting each day with a gentlemanly kindness and good nature that endeared him to students, colleagues, friends, and family. He left a legacy of joyful love of music and life.

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