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Eighty Emeriti Enjoy Exquisite Entrees, Exemplary Equatorial Exploits, Epoch-making Endorsement, Ephemeral Enunciations

Well maybe I did get carried away with the E’s in
Sagers and Stringers
Sagers and Stringers
 the headline but no more than the audience was carried away by the comments of Dr. Bill and Sue Sager during the fall 2004 emeritus luncheon.  Bill’s description of  how and why they ended up fighting disease and poverty in the Democratic Republic of Congo and in Malawi was absorbing.  We will not soon forget the contrast between our lives in the US and those of fellow humans struggling for life, food, and shelter against tremendous odds in Africa.


The Emeritus Talk/Tour of the new SOU Library facility was announced for March 4, 2005.  This event will include a luncheon catered in the library.  In the pattern of recent years those who attend pay the cost of the winter luncheon.   The university through the offices of our faculty coordinator, Jeanne Stallman, covered the cost for the fall luncheon.  We all deeply appreciate the continued relationship with the university and the chance to continue enjoying the friendships forged over many years in the trenches.
Name these Emeriti
Name these Emeriti


A bit of business was successfully completed at the November 16 event with the formal ratification of the proposed guidelines for our emeritus group.  The word “group” is purposeful in that we now formally include the spouses of SOU emeriti.  The new guidelines will be implemented immediately.  


Those attending the luncheon pledged another $470 to the Emeritus Scholarship Fund.  We still need to raise over $1500 to reach our annual target of $2000. 


While no payment was required everyone was asked to sing for his or her lunch.  I appreciated the rousing rendition of Happy Birthday offered by the combined emeritus chorus spontaneously directed by Bernie Binder.   See you again on March 4 in the new SOU library.

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