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50 Emeriti Attend Luncheon/Tour of New SOU Library

After we had enjoyed a great meal
Insley's and Sally Jones enjoy lunch - Winter 2005
Insley's and Sally Jones enjoy lunch - Winter 2005
and conversation with many old friends.  The pasta salad and soup buffet luncheon was a gormet's delight.  Ed Hungerford stepped down as newsletter editor and we are fortunate to have Jim Dean back for another stint in that role.  Thanks go to Thom Jones who had the original idea for this event and ground-breaking discussions with Mary Jane Cedarface.

After the meal, Library Director Sue Burkholder
Sue Burkholder - Winter 2005 Library Tour
Sue Burkholder - Winter 2005 Library Tour
elaborated on the potential that has been realized in this new state-of-the-art facility.  Five librarians led small group tours of the new facilities answering our many questions.  The integration of new and old library space is practically seamless and kept us guessing whether we were in the new or old portions of the building.  One of the new features is the addition of three fireplaces that have become the centers for inviting study areas.  Librarians report that students and faculty alike congregate in these new spaces.  The presence of an adjacent coffee shop also attracts many to the new library.  While spectacular vistas are always available on the SOU campus, the new library is designed to show them off. The majestic entrance is but one example of the new library taking full advantage of the surrounding views. Small carrels and study alcoves located around the perimeter also have this same characteristic. The end result is that the new libray is one of the most inviting places on the SOU campus.

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