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Toward an interesting and useful emeritus website

What are ways we can make the emeritus website useful? How can we capture the interests of those that happen by?  Maybe we can even get our users to subscribe so they will receive email notification of future news items and events.


One idea is to make this website an archive for SOU history.  As the site adds more editions of the quarterly newsletter this will begin to be a reality.  Maybe you know of other historical content that could be added to the website.  We can all have a part in improving the website by providing ideas and content that will be interesting to others.  Project A has placed no limits on our storage so let your imaginations go wild.  Let us hear your ideas.


Here is another idea.  Maybe you have a picture that captures some part of the SOU story.  Maybe you know the background and maybe you don't.  Suppose we post these on the website to motivate interest and comment from our users.  After a month we replace it with another and reveal the accumulated information on the earlier picture.  Give this picture a try.
Mystery Photo
Mystery Photo
Send your input by clicking on my name at the top of this article.  Hope to hear from your.

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