The mission of the SOU Retirees Association is fourfold:
1) To provide a campus "home" as a point of contact for retirees.
2) To promote social interaction among all retirees through events, council representation, a newsletter and a website.
3) To provide campus events to encourage a continuing relationship between SOU and association membership and to promote ongoing intellectual stimulation and activities.
4) To provide opportunities for the university to use talents of retired faculty and staff to the benefit of the University and retirees, including knowledgeable advocacy.
The current Council consists of volunteers to serve as a liason between SOU Outreach and Engagement Programs. The leadership Council will be responsible for setting programs for quarterly luncheons, communicating with the Association's membership, assessment of dues, and performing other functions of leadership.
Council members meet at least quarterly to facilitate on-campus events and assist in the production of a newsletter. The OLLI Office provides a contact person for the Retirees Association Council activities.
For more information contact:Ralph Fidler :ralphfidler@gmail.com