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2024 Newsletter


                                Spring 2024


Greetings Everyone!


Our final luncheon of this academic year will be on Friday, May 10, 2024, in the Stevenson Union Rogue River Room .  


Normally our guest speaker for the spring luncheon is President Rick Bailey.  Unfortunately, something has come up and he will not be able to join us.  He has rescheduled his presentation to next fall’s luncheon.  President Bailey would like to keep us updated on what is happening with the Cascade Complex and the new senior living project.  Since he will not be at our luncheon to speak on this subject, his office is preparing an informational handout to give to the membership so we may better understand what is happening with project.  That information will be available to you as soon as the Leadership Council receives it from the President’s office as well as copies at the registration desk the day of the luncheon.


President Bailey has also arranged for Dr. Dan DeNuei, Associate Provost, to be our guest speaker.  Dr. DeNuei has worked at the University for the past 22 years.    Besides being the Associate Provost, Dr. DeNuei is the Accredition Liaison Office and the Executive Director of the SOU Creativity Conference.


President Bailey is also providing a buffet luncheon for us.  He has ordered a soup and salad buffet.  Let us show our appreciation for President Bailey’s kind gesture and support of our organization by have a great turnout.


Our scholarship recipient, Faith Lumadue, will also be attending our luncheon and has asked to speak to us.  We are so happy to finally meet her and be able to get to know her.  Please help in welcoming Faith to our luncheon.  As of February 29th, our  scholarship fund is $ 88,700 plus!!  


Those without a virtual parking permit will need to use one of the parking meters which can be found on University Way (used to be Palm Street) and between Stevenson Union and Britt.  Both of these are more centrally located to the Rogue River Room.  A credit card must be used.  The cost is $2.00. 


The SOU Raider Athletics scholarship dinner and auction fundraiser will be held at 5:30 p.m., Thursday, April 25, at the Old Armory on Oak Street in Ashland. 


The SOU Retirees Association has been invited to this event.  We hope to have a good attendance from members of the organization primarily because the money raised goes to SOU student athletes, but also because the event can be a lot of fun. The dinner will be prepared by Beasy’s On The Creek.  Retirees  attendance at this event will help serve as a reminder to the University of our commitment to SOU students through our contributions to the funding of scholarships.


The cost of the event is $$100 per person, payable at the Armory entry door.  If you would like to attend (and perhaps bring a guest or two or more), please notify SOU Associated Athletic Director Bobby Heiken via email at as soon as possible.  The deadline for reservations is April 24.  Let him know you will be attending, the names of those attending with you, and that you wish to be seated with other SOU retirees.  Hope to see you on the 27th.


The fourth annual Mills Bowl will be held on May 4 at 6 pm at Raider Stadium.  The game, which replaces the annual Spring Game, will feature Raiders playing Kwansei Gakuin, Japan’s University National Champions.

Tickets can be obtained at or by contacting Bobby Heiken at  For those of you with athletic virtual permits, ask if your permit will be honored for this event when ordering your tickets.  Tickets are on sale now.


The Council would like to hear from the membership as to what you would like to see in the newsletter.  This could include but not limited to: any new challenges you have taken on (new job, volunteer work, research, etc.), ideas regarding guest speakers, background music at the luncheons, and other ideas you may have.  Please contact any one of the Council members listed below if you have any ideas or concerns.


The Council is also looking to increase the number of Retirees on the Council.  The Council should be composed of 15 members with a balance of former staff members, administrators, and teaching faculty as well as between males and females.  Currently, however, the Council has only 6 members consisting of two retired staff members, two administrators, and two teaching faculty.  They are Ron Bolstad, Phil Campbell,  Bev De La Zerda, Ralph Fidler, Sally Jones, and Tom Pyle.  Any one interested in joining this illustrious group and help our organization to fulfill our goals, please contact one of the Council members listed below for more information.

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the next academic year’s luncheon. They are:  October 25, 2024;  February 14, 2025;   May 9, 2025.  All are on Fridays with start times beginning as usual - 11:30 am - social hour; approximately 12:15 pm - program; finish approximately 1:00 pm.   


See you May 10th!



Other Leadership Council Volunteers:


Ron Bolstad

Phil Campbell   

Bev De La Zerda

Ralph Fidler

Sally Jones       

Tom Pyle       


ext here

PDF - Fall 2023   2023 FALL NEWSLETTER.ODTSpacer(26.2KB)
Hi Everyone, We hope you all have had a fantastic summer. It seems like yesterday when we met last! The new academic year’s first luncheon will be held at the Stevenson Union Rogue River Room on October 20th at 11:30 am for our social hour to catch up with friends and have lunch.   Lunch will be available at Elmo’s.  We will have someone to help bring your food to the Rogue River Room.  Trays will be also be available for your convenience.  We are hoping to have Irving Lubliner playing the mouth organ, accompanied by a guitarist, during our social get-together.   Sally Jones will be introducing our program which features Carrie Forbes, the new University Librarian.  She will be discussing what is new at the library, the new goals, and more importantly to us, what the Retirees privileges are!   This should be a very informational program.   Not one to miss! Parking has changed for this coming year.  For those without a virtual parking permit, you must use one of the parking meters to be able to park on campus.  The parking meters can be found on University Way (used to be Palm Street) and between Stevenson Union and Britt.  Both of these are more centrally located to the Rogue River Room.  A credit card must be used.  The cost is $2.00.  For those with a Virtual Permit , you must contact the parking department to update your electronic permit.  The best way to contact them is by email at   They might take a couple days for them to reply to you, but they will. For those retirees interested in attending the Athletic Department events, contact in the Athletic Department and ask for an athletic pass.  This pass will allow you to attend all regular season games. The Council has elected to keep the donation for membership at $20.00.  The donation covers the Association’s operating expenses which include beverages for our luncheons and, for the present, the newsletter mailing costs.  An additional donation would be helpful.  Any unused funds are monitored each year and if we have adequate funds to cover the next year’s expenses, the excess amounts are transferred to the scholarship account. Remember to make a donation to our scholarship fund. We will have the name and information oof our recipient of our annual scholarship in our next newsletter. As of June 30, 2023, our scholarship fund has a total of $69,153.  We are well on our way to reach our $80,000 goal to be able to increase our scholarship award. As a cost savings, the Council has found it prudent to transition from mailing the newsletter to email delivery starting winter term, recognizing that most of our membership now utilizes email.  This would be a savings of approximately $1,900 per year.  Please be sure your email address is placed on the donation form when you send it in.  If you are not receiving emails or had a change in email address, please contact Ralph Fidler at   For those who do not have email addresses, the you may request a hard copy of the newsletter by contacting Ralph Fidler at 541-301-0232. The dates of our luncheons for the rest of this year have been confirmed as: February 9, 2024 and May 10, 2024.  Each date is on a Friday with times remaining the same. Cannot wait to see everyone on Friday, October 20th.  Until then, take care, stay safe, and stay healthy!  And don’t forget to wear red and black! Your Leadership Council, Ron Bolstad Phil Campbell James Dean Bev De La Zerda Ralph Fidler Sally Jones Tom Pyle

PDF - Spring 2023   2023 SPRING NEWSLETTER.ODTSpacer(29.6KB)

PDF - 2023 Winter   2023 WINTER NEWSLETTER.ODTSpacer(27.7KB)

PDF - Fall 2022   2022 FALL NEWSLETTER.ODTSpacer(26.1KB)
2022 Fall Newsletter

PDF - Spring 2022   2022 SPRING NEWSLETTER.ODTSpacer(26.4KB)
2022 Spring Newsletter

PDF - winter 2022   2022 WINTER NEWSLETTER.ODTSpacer(24.7KB)
2022 Winter newsletter

PDF - Fall 2021   2021 FALL NEWSLETTER.ODTSpacer(23.7KB)
2021 newsletter

PDF - Dr Schott Announces retirement   DR SCHOTT RETIREMENT.PDFSpacer(103.9KB)

PDF - spring 2021   SPRING 2021 NEWSLETTER.PDFSpacer(80.6KB)


PDF -   FALL NEWSLETTER 2020 (5).RTFSpacer(16.1KB)





PDF -   NEWSLETTER FALL 2018.PDFSpacer(847.4KB)


PDF - Winter 2020   HIDDEN HISTORY OF ASHLAND.PDFSpacer(108.7KB)
This is a review by John Darling of Joe Peterson's new book on Ashland.

PDF -   NEWSLETTER WNTER 2018.PDFSpacer(1336.2KB)

Upcoming luncheon, new virtual parking permits, revision of association structure.

This is a delightful piece by Dennis Powers about local history and his upcoming book promoting stories of our area.

PDF - Winter 2017   2017_WINTER_NEWSLETTER.PDFSpacer(303.7KB)
Letter from Ralph Fidler

PDF -   FALL 2016 NEWSLETTER.PDFSpacer(259.7KB)
Ralph Fidler's Letter to Retirees

Ralph & Marilyn Fidler's cruise reflections

Articles submitted by retirees that others may find interesting.

PDF - Winter 2016   2016_WINTER_NEWSLETTER.PDFSpacer(92.5KB)
Note from President Ralph Fidler and articles by Wayne Schumacher, Wayne Linn, and Jim Dean

PDF - Fall 2015   2015_FALL NEWSLETTER.PDFSpacer(90.6KB)
Articles by Peggy Evans, Claude Curran, & Mike Baughman.

PDF - Spring 2015   2015_SPRING_NEWSLETTER.PDFSpacer(96.7KB)
Articles by SOU President Roy Saigo, Frank Lang, Tom Nash, and Association Co-Presidents.

PDF - Winter 2015   2015_WINTER.PDFSpacer(95.3KB)
Articles by Jim Dean, Tom Pyle, Carol McNair, and Karen Shafer. Additional suggestions on movies and series.

PDF - Fall 2014   2014_FALL NEWSLETTER.PDFSpacer(94.3KB)
Volunteerism, travel, book excerpt, message from the co-presidents.

PDF - Spring 2014   2014_SPRING_NEWSLETTER.PDFSpacer(108.3KB)
Dave Hoffman Reminiscences, Laura Young on Pete Seeger, Jim Dean: Lunch @ Morning Glory.

PDF - Winter 2014   2014_WINTER_NEWSLETTER.PDFSpacer(3542.7KB)
Reflections from Bill Meulemans, Betty LaDuke & Connie Battaile as well as Ralph Fiddler's column.

PDF - Fall 2013   2013_FALL NEWSLETTER.PDFSpacer(106.7KB)
Mystery Trips by Ron Nitsos, tribute to Art Kreisman

Articles by Jerry Insley, Dennis Powers, Darlene Southworth, Claude Curran, Phil Campbell and Frank Lang

Youth Revisited, Hal Cloer & the Kitchen Cabinet, articles by Claude Curran & Connie Battaile, tribute to Mike Haynes.

PDF -   2012_FALL NEWSLETTER.PDFSpacer(111.1KB)
Retirees Benefits, Tributes to Doug Legg and Ron Taylor, AARP Tax Aide Program, The Alcohol Report, and Bloomsbury!

PDF - Spring 2012   2012_SPRING_NEWSLETTER.PDFSpacer(160.5KB)
Ed Hungerford's Italy trip, Ron Bolstad's new career with the Old-Time Fiddlers Association, a tribute to Don Mitchell, and Michael Baughman's writing.

Survey results for retiree benefits, tribute to Dan Bulkley and Joe Brown, Swedenberg ghost, and more!

PDF - Fall 2011   2011_FALL NEWSLETTER.PDFSpacer(315KB)
Tribute to Lawson Inada, remembrances of deceased faculty, stories from Priscilla Hunter and Gene Stringer.

Comments by Rick Barot

PDF - Spring 2011   2011_SPRING_NEWSLETTER.PDFSpacer(318.8KB)
What is a Dramaturg by Alan Armstrong, Underwriting and Undertaking by Jim Dean, Spring Luncheon info and Sue Corp's note.

Luncheon Updates; Sue Corp's Column; Remembering Friends: Ray Tumbleson, Don Lewis, John McCollum; Rodney Badger's Boat Experience.

PDF -   2010_FALL NEWSLETTER.PDFSpacer(198.5KB)
Travels of Harold Ottness, memorials to deceased faculty.

PDF - 2010 Spring   2010_SPRING_NEWSLETTER.PDFSpacer(201.2KB)
Travels by Reider Peterson and Herman Schmeling, book review by Ed Hungerford, update from Fran Madachy, thoughts from Jim Dean.

PDF - 2010 Winter   2010_WINTER_NEWSLETTER.PDFSpacer(232.5KB)
Multiple articles on lifelong learning!

PDF - Fall 2009   FALL NEWSLETTER 2009.PDFSpacer(193.8KB)
Nov. 5 fall luncheon will have a surprise speaker. Cecile Baril gets ready for Doctors Without Borders, Lorrine Skaff-Winger gives a thumbs up to Baxter Fitness Solutions, Darlene Southworth locates underwater mushrooms and Frank Lang aka Nature Notes writes about Geezerdom.

PDF - Spring 2009   2009_SPRING _NEWSLETTER.PDFSpacer(129.7KB)
President Cullinan and Provost Klein luncheon program, Karen Shafer recollections, Jim Dean and Herman Schmeling on Friends of the Library, Ernie Ettlich on Endowed Scholarships, Carol McNair as next editor, Loses: Bob Alston, D'Anne Ghea.

File - Winter 2009   2009_WINTER_NEWSLETTER.PDFSpacer(161.3KB)
Winter Luncheon Speaker: Andy Baxter, Humorous Campus Flashbacks, Website Update, Obituaries: Beverley Bennett, James Naiden, Bob Seevers, Tim Kelley.

PDF - Fall 2008   FALL_NEWSLETTER_2008.PDFSpacer(197.6KB)
Fall Term Luncheon Announced

PDF - Spring 2008   EMERITUS SPRING 2008.PDFSpacer(136.1KB)
2008 Retirees Interviewed. Spring Luncheon set.

PDF - Winter 2008   WINTER 2008.PDF.PDFSpacer(192.6KB)
Learning about Lifelong Learning.

PDF - Fall 2007   FALL2007.PDF.PDFSpacer(147.1KB)
Sharon Johnson speaks about "The Healing Power of Laughter."

PDF - Spring 2007   SPRING 2007.PDF.PDFSpacer(156KB)
SOLIR Receives Grant, Includes Emeritus.

PDF - Winter 2007   WINTER 2007.PDF.PDFSpacer(156.4KB)
Retirees asked to join Emeritus group. Planning for Winter 2007 luncheon.

PDF - Fall 2006   FALL 2006.PDFSpacer(151.3KB)
Highlights: President Cullinan to speak at Fall Luncheon; Oregon's Loyalty Oath; A Deluxe Elderhostel in the Greek Isles.

PDF - Spring 2006   SPRING 2006.PDFSpacer(167.3KB)
Highlights: President's Spring Reception; Catching up with Marythea Grebner; The faculty revolt of 1965; A letter from the president of the Emeritus Council; new guidelines for membership in the Southern Oregon University Retirees Association.

PDF - Winter 2006   WINTER 2006.PDFSpacer(118.3KB)
Don Lewis and Mary Christleib recall years at SOU

PDF - Fall 2005   FALL 2005.PDFSpacer(159.2KB)
The annual Emeritus Fall Luncheon Friday in the Rogue River Room and the Town Hall meeting moderated by Don Laws.

PDF - Winter 2005   WINTER 2005.PDFSpacer(168.8KB)
James Sours obituary, Herman Schmeling Encounters Lyle Matoush, Library Tour event, Nominations open for Emeritus Council, Doug Legg on SOU in the 60's, News from emeriti

PDF - Fall 2004   FALL 2004.PDFSpacer(199.2KB)
Letter from President Zinser, Art Kreisman on architect Robert Keeney, Bill and Sue Sager featured at Fall event, SOU Library honored, Jim Dean recalls SOU in 1966.

PDF - Spring 2004   SPRING 2004.PDFSpacer(156.7KB)
The Multiplication of Giving: Bob Alstrom's Example; Library Remodel Highlights; Winter Luncheon a Success; President's reception slated; The Sours: A Turkish Prelude to SOC; On the Web; News notes about us...

PDF - Winter 2004   WINTER 2004.PDFSpacer(169KB)
International Luncheon; Dan Bulkley; The Changing Face of Geography; Obituaries: Gaston, Brierty, Versluis; Emeritus Scholarship Fund; The Emeritus Faculty Website from Project A; Provost Positive about Emeritus Role; Remeber When.

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